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01 Nisan 2021

Toroslar EDAŞ Completed the Works regarding its 2020 Investments in Hatay

In line with its goals to provide uninterrupted and sustainable energy, Toroslar EDAŞ completed the works related to the energy transmission line between Telgazi Neighbourhood, Beşaslan Neighbourhood in Reyhanlı, Hatay as well as Antakya Demirköprü Neighbourhood and Alaiddinli Neighbourhood. Root buildings were installed in Kırıkhan sub-province.

Putting all its efforts to provide sustainable and high quality energy supply in Hatay, Toroslar Elektrik Dağıtım A.Ş. continues its grid investments to provide the best and the highest quality service to its customers.

Toroslar EDAŞ invested 9.5 million TL in Reyhanlı sub-province in order to meet the final energy demand and maintain energy sustainability. As part of the project, 33.3-km-long energy transmission line including high capacity dual circuit conductors was installed.

Continuing its rehabilitation works in Kırıkhan sub-province, Toroslar EDAŞ also invested 3.8 million TL for installation of 2 new distribution hubs and 3 root buildings. The Company also invested 3.5 million TL for another new distribution hub and approximately 27-km-long HV cable in Kırıkhan sub-province.

On the other hand, grid rehabilitation works were completed at Çekmece Neighbourhood in Defne sub-province. With a total investment of approximately 7 million TL, a total of 19 km-long grid line -11 km underground and 8 km overhead lines- was installed as part of the project.

