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04 Haziran 2024

Enerjisa Distribution Companies Bring The Mobile Training Center Technology To Students

Başkent EDAŞ, Ayedaş and Toroslar EDAŞ, i.e., the leading electricity distribution companies of Enerjisa, the company that pioneers the energy transformation in Türkiye, continue to provide training for students studying electrical and electronics and branch teachers for a better future as part of the vocational training activities in 14 cities where they provide distribution services. Over 8,300 students and branch teachers were provided training thanks to the project, which has been carried out with great devotion since 2018 with the purpose of contributing to efficiency in Türkiye.

Developing projects to contribute to a smarter and greener world with a particular focus on human and technology, Başkent EDAŞ, Ayedaş and Toroslar EDAŞ, have sustained their collaboration with the Ministry of National Education at full speed since 2018 as part of the vocational training activities in 14 cities where the companies provide electricity distribution services. In order to contribute to the efficiency and employment of the country, the Mobile Training Center Project enables the electricity distribution industry to be promoted to engineers, technicians and technician candidates, and aims to contribute to their development.

The project, which is a first in the industry and developed to support the career development of young people, has reached more than 8,300 students and branch teachers. The project, which has been ongoing in Istanbul, Hatay, Mersin, Adana, Gaziantep, Ankara, Bartın, Karabük, Çankırı, Kastamonu and Kırıkkale since 2018, covers the entire journey of energy from the point where the responsibility of the electricity distribution companies begins, until it reaches houses of consumers. The training also includes occupational health and safety training, which is one of the prominent issues in the electricity distribution industry.

Oğuzhan Özsürekci, General Manager of Enerjisa Distribution Companies, stated, “Our Mobile Training Center, a first in our industry in Türkiye, is equipped with all the required tools and continues its activities in the field. With the support of our Technical Development teams, we would like to show the working principles of the distribution industry and promote our sector to young people who are the future of the industry, with the goal to contribute to the efficiency and employment in our country. Hence, we launched this project to develop a qualified workforce in line with the protocol we signed with the Ministry of National Education in 2018. With this significant project launched by the efforts of a public institution and the private sector, we are more than happy to reach over 8,300 students and branch teachers and to be a part of the training that will improve their development for a better future.”

