At Toroslar EDAŞ, we sustain our activities as part of a corporate culture integrated with our employees. We are aware that success and superiority come with the qualified human resources. In line with this awareness as well as the company requirements and strategies, we follow the recruitment procedure designed with the mentality of “right job for right person” to find and recruit the most accurate candidate with the most accurate knowledge, experience and position-specific competencies in line Public with our company’s corporate culture, company goals considering equal opportunities in line with our company’s Human Rights Policy
All vacancies at Toroslar EDAŞ are announced via career portals, contracted consultancy companies, the internal announcement system or human resources announcements published on the website of Sabancı Holding. All applications of the candidates are stored in our database. Recruitment process is initiated for candidates who qualify the requirements of the position applied. During the recruitment process, all candidates are expected to qualify for the competencies required by the position, corporate culture and values.
We make use of various tools during our recruitment process, majority of which we carry out digitally, such as various inventories according to the requirements, competency-based interviews, foreign language tests, case study presentations, and assessment centre applications.
Please follow vacancies at and Linkedin.
We, at Toroslar EDAŞ, make a point of serving the community we are a member of. We gather this power thanks to the contribution of everyone regardless of their age, gender or position. Therefore, we place emphasis on our internship program, not only because it provides new generations with the opportunity to get to know business life, but also due to its contribution to our country.
As part of our SPARK Internship Programmes, we want to see all young talents among us who consider internship experience not only as a career step but also a part of their individual development.
We offer fourth-year and post graduate electrical and electronics engineering students various opportunities to experience the energy sector and Enerjisa Distribution processes through the Enter programme, which is our new generation talent management program. Throughout the programme which lasts for one year, engineer candidates are appointed to internship positions at sections called Investment Way, Customer Way and Network Way in rotation, which provide them information on all engineering positions during the distribution process. Furthermore, engineer candidates are also provided mentorship support by the talent coaches assigned to each of them; hence, get the opportunity to discover their areas of interest. At the end of the one-year programme, several engineer candidates continue their careers at Enerjisa.